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/ Money in the 90s (1994 Edition) / Money In the 90s.iso / picture2 / 1093c149.shg (.png) < prev    next >
Segmented Hypergraphics Bitmap  |  1994-03-03  |  296KB  |  641x853  |  8-bit (254 colors)
Labels: crt screen | daybook | grandstand | monitor | person | sky | vegetarianism | windowpane
OCR: MONEY RANKS THE RANK Aaahestx Prajecict Retun tonpaty titicker rsytba[ aIn Indestr (miaans Hecan tuuent Capital Cities/ABC {CCB} 1.07 Broadcasting/publiahing 5.475 $493.07 15 124 31.0% 11H 54 Class 1.01 Broadcasting .14 27.75 0.55 20.415 54 Harcourt General IN 1.07 Conglamerats 3,075 40.75 10 11.3) 23,392 54 Mattel TMAT 1.07 Toystgames .075 26.25 73. 125 54 Newell {NWL} 1.01 Industrial product: 53. 35.75 59 Premark Intomational IPMT Containers/cooking equipmen 297 63.00 32,091 54 Primerica (PA) Pinancial senrices 5,101 55.75 ECE'OL 59 Rohn He8 JROH Plastics/chemicals 3.27 55.0 20,50 CSX [CSX Rallroads 8,815 5.5. 31,067 de Nemours (00 37,713 41.5 20,702 62 Pfizer 1.04 Drugs 7.391 62.75 31.273 62 Philadelphia Electric IPE Diversitied utilit 3,953 .... 25,323 62 Schering-Plough SGP Druas/toil ...